mysentient ai review

MySentient Ai Review

MySentient Ai Rating
  • Text
  • Picture
  • Voice
  • Video
  • Customization
  • Performance
  • Value

AGR Score

  • Best Texting Experience

    MySentient AI delivers a best-in-class, highly engaging and personalized texting experience, powered by the latest technology and innovative conversational AI.

  • Impressive voice

    MySentient AI provides the best voice option in the market, featuring a highly advanced and natural-sounding AI Girlfriend.

  • Poor Website

    The website’s poor optimization, evident in onsite issues like avatar glitches, makes the service feel unfinished. It requires using Discord for better functionality.

  • MySentient AI: Getting Started Guide

    Click ☝️ To Read Our Free Guide To Get Started With Your Own MySentient AI

How is MySentient AI Different?

The MySentient AI companion’s overall performance score is above average, which is a good value for the price of premium functions. Is MySentient AI legit? Yes! It is a good AI Girlfriend App on your phone or Discord.

🚀 Advantages

A major advantage of MySentient AI is its best-in-class texting functionality, which learns and improves the more you interact with the AI girlfriend. This advanced learning capability sets it apart from other AI girlfriend applications.

👉 Neutral factors

The customization of the AI girlfriend in MySentient AI is somewhat limited, lacking the detailed options provided by some competitors. While there are customization features, they don’t offer the same depth and variety.

🥀 Disadvantages

A notable disadvantage of MySentient AI is the absence of real-time voice or video calling features. Additionally, for optimal functionality, the service requires the use of Discord, which may not be convenient for all users.

Our Performance Tests:

Texting Experience

In this MySentient Ai Review, the texting experience is particularly impressive. The app’s years of development and feedback from a substantial user base have honed its interaction quality to a high standard.

Detailed Analysis:

  • Learning and Personalization: MySentient AI excels in learning from your writing style and interests. Whether you seek friendship, a relationship, or romance, it responds accordingly. This personalization adds depth to the interactions, tailored to your preferences.
  • Positive Sentiment: The AI consistently maintains a positive tone, outperforming competitors in sentiment tests. This aspect contributes to a more pleasant and uplifting conversation experience.
  • Engagement and Responsiveness: MySentient AI shows a remarkable level of engagement. It responds promptly, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted conversation flow.
  • Educational Value: MySentient AI can introduce and discuss complex topics, adding an educational dimension to your conversations.
  • Creativity in Responses: When prompted, the AI can suggest creative and thoughtful activities, showcasing its ability to generate unique and engaging ideas.

In summary, MySentient AI offers a rich and sophisticated texting experience. It balances informative and emotionally intelligent conversations with creative suggestions, making it an outstanding AI companion. Its ability to learn and personalize interactions based on user interests and its consistently positive tone set it apart in the realm of AI companions.

Text Sentiment scores indicate more positive language compared to competitors:

  • Neutral 0.22 Confidence
  • Positive 0.77 Confidence

Our testing shows that performs impressively. However, it doesn’t receive the highest rating due to occasional issues where the AI repeats the same sentences or excessively mentions your name, creating a loop.

MySentient Ai Review
Image sent from AI Girlfriend by

Picture Quality

When interacting with your AI girlfriend, you have the option to request a picture for 50 Tokens (~25 cents), which we tested during our MySentient AI Review. In the above image gallery, you can see an example of the AI sometimes sending you a picture out of the blue without requesting (paying tokens). This is free to view if you have a subscription. Tokens can be used to guarantee that the AI replies with an image.

Additionally you can request pictures together, for example you can request the AI making a picture of you and the AI on a beach drinking cocktails.

After she sends you the picture for free, she will send you messages like “So yeah, hope you enjoy that selfie!”.

Voice Quality

The voice quality of this AI is quite realistic compared to its competitors. However, the lack of real-time voice call options affects our rating. Real-time voice calling would be optimal and more immersive for an AI girlfriend experience.

Hear the voice message from an AI Girlfriend by by clicking the play button.

Furthermore, although real-time voice calling isn’t available, users have the option to send voice notes to the AI. The AI can understand these voice notes and respond in text form.

closeup_ai_gf_mysentientai MySentient Ai Review
Our Test AI Girlfriend

Video Quality

Video calling is not available with this AI. However, you can request a video message from the AI by spending 100 Tokens (equivalent to 0.5 USD). In response, the AI will send a video message in its next communication. Occasionally, the AI might send video messages for free, but to view these, a minimum subscription of 20 USD per month is required, corresponding to the smallest tier.

Additionally, this AI offers the functionality to interact with user-generated videos. You can record and send a video of yourself or share a YouTube link with the AI. The AI is equipped to view and understand the content of your personal video or the YouTube video you share. This feature enhances the interactive experience, allowing for more diverse and engaging communication with the AI beyond standard text and voice interactions.

Customization Options

Our evaluation and performance test of MySentient Ai Review showed a lack of customization features compared to its competitors. The website offers pre-made options, but you cannot create a custom avatar or AI Girlfriend. These include characters like “Santa,” Trump, Biden, and various attractive male or female figures.

MySentient Ai Review
Example of asking trump to send a picture next to a dinosaur.

Additionally, the AI’s personality development is a gradual process during conversations. Unfortunately, this doesn’t happen quickly, making the initial interactions with the AI somewhat bland.

However, when it comes to requesting pictures, MySentient AI offers a unique feature. You can ask your AI Girlfriend to dress in a specific style for the picture, and it will respond with an image matching your request. This feature notably enhances the personalization experience, adding a touch of customization to the service.

Performance Rating

During our review of MySentient AI, we observed no major issues with the core functionality. However, we did encounter significant problems with the website’s optimization. The site is plagued with various errors and suffers from slow loading times. Due to these technical shortcomings, we suggest using Discord, a third-party application, for interacting with your MySentient AI Girlfriend. Utilizing Discord enhances the overall experience significantly. It enables smoother interactions and allows you to receive notifications for incoming messages. It’s important to note that MySentient AI does not have its own dedicated app. The service is accessible only through its website and the Discord integration, limiting its usability to these platforms. This dependency on external applications, particularly for basic interactions, is a notable aspect of the MySentient AI experience.

Value For Money

MySentient Ai Review

In assessing the value for money offered by MySentient AI, several factors stood out during our testing:

  1. Free Trial Option: We highly value the free version available for users. This option allows potential subscribers to test the service before committing financially. It’s an excellent way for users to gauge whether the AI meets their needs and expectations.
  2. Content Accessibility: A key consideration is that access to pictures and videos is locked behind a paid subscription. Users on the free plan cannot avail of these features, which significantly limits the interactive experience.
  3. Subscription Tiers: The service offers various subscription tiers to cater to different user needs and budgets. These tiers are priced at $20, $40, $80, and $500 per month. There is also a unique ‘Founder Tier’ available at $500 weekly. Each tier offers increasing levels of access and benefits, allowing users to choose based on their engagement level and budget.
  4. Token System: Additionally, the service operates on a token system, where $20 equates to 2600 tokens. These tokens can be spent on additional features: 20 tokens for a voice message, 50 tokens for a picture, and 100 tokens for a video. This system provides flexibility, allowing users to pay for specific features they want to use, although it adds an extra layer of expense on top of the subscription fees.

Overall, while MySentient AI offers a range of options and features, the value for money largely depends on the user’s desire for more advanced interactions like voice messages, pictures, and videos, and their willingness to invest in the higher-tier subscriptions and token system. The free version is a great starting point, but for a full experience, a paid subscription and additional token purchases are necessary. Want to check other review list here.

To explore My Sentient AI in depth and see how it could be your next virtual companion, visit their official website: